For Cost Effective Legal Solutions, Call Orange County Business Lawyer, P.C.

Experienced California lawyer handles a wide range of matters involving individuals, businesses, and real estate

At Orange County Business Lawyer, P.C., we offer cost-effective solutions to complex legal issues for clients throughout Southern California. With more than thirty-seven (37) years of experience, Debra Grimaila, Esq. can quickly and accurately assess your legal challenge and develop a strategy designed to accomplish your objectives. Whether you need guidance on forming a corporation, representation in a commercial real estate purchase or help pursuing a breach of contract claim, you can rely on us to explain the relevant legal issues so you can make informed decisions.


Responsive counselor uses proven strategies to protect clients’ interests

No one wants to feel trapped by their legal problems. Our attorney has the background and experience to identify cost effective and creative solutions. The high-quality legal counsel we provide includes:

  • Working one-on-one with clients — By working closely with clients, we are better able to understand each specific situation and can offer more detailed advice and guidance.
  • In-depth business counseling — Companies must navigate difficult legal issues on a regular basis, and our attorney has decades of experience successfully counseling small and large companies through complex transactions and challenging litigation.
  • Litigation alternatives — Many disputes are best addressed outside of the courtroom, and our firm frequently delivers favorable outcomes in negotiation, mediation and arbitration proceedings.

The attorney you choose is not a decision to make lightly. Our attorney is dedicated to securing positive results and will provide reliable and unwavering support throughout the legal process.


Knowledgeable advocate delivers cost effective legal solutions to Southern California business and real estate clients

  • Business Law

    From formation to dissolution, companies need dependable legal advice to navigate the many issues they face. Our attorney is extremely experienced in business law and can counsel your organization through commercial collections, fraud allegations, partnership and shareholder disputes, non-compete agreements, business formation, business dissolution, contract enforcement, mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and commercial law matters. When conflicts arise during the course of business operations, our business litigation attorney will not hesitate to represent you vigorously in Court.

  • Real Estate Law

    Unexpected legal issues can arise in any property transaction. In addition to being a California attorney for over 37 years, Debra Grimaila, Esq. has also been licensed as a California real estate broker for over 34 years. This gives our attorney a unique advantage to obtain favorable results in a variety of real estate cases, including misrepresentation in the sale of property, specific performance, partition, and quiet title matters. Attorney Debra Grimaila is also experienced with residential and commercial real estate litigation matters, regularly representing sellers accused of misrepresentation.

Contact a respected California law firm to schedule a free initial consultation

At Orange County Business Lawyer, P.C., our attorney is a seasoned advocate who represents clients throughout Southern California in a diverse range of business law and real estate law matters.

Our Attorney

  • Debra Grimaila, Esq
    Debra Grimaila, Esq

    Debra Grimaila, Esq. has been a business and real estate attorney for over thirty-seven years. Her law practice with Orange County Business Lawyer, P.C. includes business litigation, business transactions, real estate litigation and real estate transactions. 

    View Bio

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